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Application for approval in progress.

The Occupational Title of Prevention and Security Agent allows you to exercise a qualified job in the field of private security.

This Title is part of the compulsory training allowing the acquisition of the knowledge and professional skills required to access private security professions. Each learner must be in possession of a prior or provisional authorization number issued by the National Council for Private Security Activities (CNAPS).

Security guards employed by a private security company, just like security guards in the internal services of companies, must imperatively obtain professional aptitude in order to exercise their profession.
Maintaining and Updating Skills (MAC-APS) is an internship that must be carried out by agents carrying out a private security activity, in order to update their skills as part of the continuing education of private security agents.

The MAC is mandatory for any renewal of a professional card expiring since January 1, 2018. To obtain the renewal of your professional card, you must provide a certificate of completion of a Skills Maintenance and Updating course for each of the activities mentioned on your initial professional card. However, there are possible equivalences.

The MAC internship must be completed within 24 months before the expiry of your professional card.

Certification of Complementary Skills to Ensure the Protection of Sensitive Sites.

When you hold the TFP APS and you are destined to work as a prevention and security officer, you can strengthen some of your skills in order to specialize. The Certification of Complementary Skills to ensure the Protection of a Sensitive Site makes it possible to become a Sensitive Site Protection Agent and thus ensure the safety and security of a so-called sensitive establishment.